• Tree Removal

    While it is often the last resort, there are circumstances when tree removal is necessary. Trees which are dead or declining often present a hazard.   The Tree Removal Professionals at Cody’s Tree Service have the training, experience and equipment to handle your tree removal in a safe and efficient manner. A standard tree removal will include: safely felling the tree, removing the logs and cutting the stump just above ground level. The tree removal includes clearing branches away from your home, garage, driveway, sidewalk, street, car or over fences.

  • Trees can weigh several thousand pounds. If a Tree Removal is not done properly, the tree may fall on surrounding buildings causing considerable damage. People have been seriously injured or killed attempting a Tree Removal without professional help.

    For Tree Removal to be done safely and without property damage, the tree service professionals at Cody’s Tree Service are needed. A Tree Removal plan is prepared and the proper Tree Removal Permits are obtained.

    Often Tree Removal needs to be done by removing the tree in pieces. Single pieces of large trees can weight several thousand pounds. The Tree Removal process for large trees may require the use of a crane. This ensures the pieces are removed in a controlled manner with no damage to other property.